Saturday, February 28, 2009

I wasn't going to do it!

Told myself I wasn't going to do it. I work at a high school and do not need any more high school drama. But once I started I couldn't quit.

I picked up the first "Twilight" book at my daughters while babysitting, just to flip through the pages. Grant was sleeping and I thought I would just take a look. I was really surprised how quickly I got sucked in. I had heard all the same hype about Harry Potter, which I could not get into, and thought this would be similar.

Four books later and I am waiting for the fifth to be written. Will I go see the movie...oh probably? But I kind of hate to wreck the vision I have in my mind how the characters really look. So in less you want to keep your nose in a book for the next couple of weeks...don't pick up that first one.

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