Monday, February 18, 2008

Jack Ryan has arrived!

We have a new grandbaby! Jack Ryan was born on Dec. 21st. 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 22 inches long.

He is such a easy baby, very content to just be held. Sister Brooklyn just loves him and is really helping mom & dad take care of him.

We are so blessed to have such a great family!


Handcrafted by LaMar said...

I know how a new one can affect things but always remember your craft is your child as well, but a baby is a baby and needs that real love. Your work speaks for itself so you will be ok.

Unknown said...

congrats !!!!! how exciting!

btw - I love your jewelry, it is beautiful!

Erin said...

Congrats on the new grandchild! Jack is a very cute name.

UniqueNurseGranny said...

Congratulations.Yes,you are fortunate.Enjoy the baby.